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Breaking the Cycle: How Chronic Pain Impacts Daily Habits and Ways to Reclaim Your Routine

Chronic pain and chronic pain-causing conditions can present many challenges to patients, making it hard or impossible to complete your daily routine. At Macomb Pain Management, we understand how difficult it can be to live your life and do the things you enjoy when chronic pain gets in the way. While every patient’s journey to find relief from chronic pain is different, there are steps you can take at home to regain control over your daily routine when faced with chronic pain. Let’s take a closer look at how pain impacts areas of your daily routine, like sleep, activity, and nutrition, and steps you can take to regain control over those areas.

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep With Chronic Pain

One of the most common ways chronic pain can negatively impact your routine is by interfering with your ability to get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for your overall health and is especially important for chronic pain patients, as being sleep-deprived can exacerbate your pain levels, leading to a vicious cycle of worsening pain and sleep quality. When a chronic pain patient doesn’t get enough sleep, they are likely to experience worsening pain caused by:

  1. Heightened pain sensitivity from sleep deprivation
  2. Increased inflammation from heightened inflammatory markers
  3. Decreased physical coordination causes an increased risk of injury

While it can be challenging to fall asleep with chronic pain, there are steps you can take to improve your sleep. Chronic pain patients can benefit from investing in a quality mattress and supportive pillows that support areas of the body afflicted with chronic pain. Your sleeping environment should be calm, dark, and quiet, and screen time should be avoided before falling asleep. Some supplements like melatonin and magnesium can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Still, you should consult a doctor before taking any supplements, especially if taking other medications.

Performing Daily Activities With Chronic Pain

It can be hard to work, exercise, or do other physical activities when you are dealing with chronic pain. For many chronic pain patients, planning your day and using pacing techniques like the Pomodoro method can allow you to complete your daily activities without over-exerting yourself. The Pomodoro method involves working or doing anything physical in intervals of 30 minutes with 25 minutes of work followed by five minutes of rest. It is also important to listen to your body and take a break before you become overly fatigued or have worsening pain. Mobility aids like a cane, walker, or brace can also help to improve your mobility and put less demand on areas of the body that are in pain. When it comes to living with chronic pain, plan your daily activities with the ” Three P Rule” plan, prioritize, and pace to avoid over-exerting yourself or worsening your pain levels.

The Link Between Chronic Pain and Nutrition

Good nutrition plays a vital role in breaking the cycle of chronic pain and should be incorporated into a pain management plan. Certain foods have been shown to decrease inflammation in the body, providing patients with some level of pain relief and prevention. Chronic pain patients should eat a healthy diet that includes:

  1. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  2. Fresh fruits and vegetables
  3. Spices like turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon for their anti-inflammatory properties
  4. Nuts and seeds
  5. Whole grains

By eating a healthy diet rich in these foods, you can reduce inflammation and chronic pain in your body.

Learn More About Chronic Pain Treatment at Macomb Pain Management

At Macomb Pain Management, we strive to provide all our patients with the tools and knowledge they need to regain their life from chronic pain. To learn more about our treatment options for chronic pain, contact us today at (248) 844-8281.