Knee Pain Treatment Near Washington Township, MI
Knee pain is a widespread condition in the United States, with an estimated 25% of the adult population, or 65 million American adults, dealing with knee pain. Traditionally, knee pain has been treated with surgical procedures or powerful medications with varying levels of success. At Macomb Pain Management, we understand how frustrating it can be to deal with knee pain, especially when your current treatment is not effectively treating your pain. Our pain treatment center and board-certified doctors have excellent modern knee pain treatment options that can be used to find effective solutions to improve your quality of life and restore your mobility. Let’s take a closer look at knee pain and how Macomb Pain Management works daily to reduce our patient’s pain levels.
Common Causes of Knee Pain For Patients Near Washington Township MI
The first step to developing an effective knee pain treatment plan is to identify the root cause of your knee pain. There are several causes of knee pain, each with its ideal treatment plan. At Macomb Pain Management, we are equipped to effectively treat several different types of knee pain, including knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and bursitis. Let’s explore these three conditions and how Macomb Pain Management can reduce your knee pain levels.
Osteoarthritis Knee Pain Treatment
While there are several different types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most common type and frequently develops in the knees. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis, occurs when cartilage in a joint breaks down over time, leading to pain, inflammation, and loss of mobility. With the loss of cartilage in joints, bones begin to grind against each other, causing pain that can be debilitating. Osteoarthritis can also lead to the development of bone spurs, which can cause further pain and inflammation of the knee joints. Patients describe the pain with osteoarthritis as a grinding or scraping feeling, especially when moving the joint in the morning. Risk factors for developing osteoarthritis include:
- Age ( Adults over 50)
- Obesity
- Previous joint injuries
- Genetics
- Occupation involving manual labor
At Macomb Pain Management, there are several effective and minimally invasive treatment options we have for patients living near Washington Township, MI.
Treatable Conditions:
Arthritis Treatment And Arthritis Repair • Treatment For Ligament Strains • Treatment For Joint Pain And Chronic Inflammation • Neck Pain And Spinal Pain Treatment • Treatment For Tendonitis Pain And Bursitis Pain • Treatment For Tendon Tears And Sports Injuries • Treatment For Sciatic Nerve Pain • Chronic Pain Treatment From • Herniated Discs • Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy • Knee Cartilage Healing And Repair • Sacroiliac (Si) Joint Dysfunction Treatment • Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment And Repair
Rheumatoid Arthritis Knee Pain Treatment
Besides osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is a common cause of knee pain we see in our patients. Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack the joints, often affecting the knees. Patients dealing with rheumatoid arthritis often report symptoms including:
- Inflammation in the joints
- Pain in the joints
- Stiffness and decreased range of motion
- Swelling of the joints
At Macomb Pain Management, we work with patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and offer several effective treatment options to reduce pain and increase mobility.
Bursitis Knee Pain Treatment
Bursitis of the knee is a common cause of knee pain that can be incredibly painful. Bursitis of the knee is caused by inflammation of the bursa in the knee, which are fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions in the joints. When the bursa becomes inflamed, it leads to pain in the affected joint, as well as decreased mobility. Common causes of bursitis include:
- Repetitive pressure or overuse of joints
- Injury or trauma to the knee
- Infection of the bursa
While bursitis of the knee can be incredibly painful to deal with there are several treatment options at Macomb Pain Management for the condition.
Contact Macomb Pain Management for Knee Pain Treatment Near Washington Township MI
At Macomb Pain Management, we take an evidence-based approach to treating knee pain with our proven minimally invasive interventional pain management treatments. If your knee pain hasn’t been reduced with your current treatment or if you are considering surgery, get a second opinion first from Macomb Pain Management by calling us today at (248) 844-8281.