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Pain Management Doctor Near Utica, MI

Pain Management Doctor Near Utica, MI

For patients living with chronic pain, finding the right pain management doctor can make all the difference in treating your chronic pain. While many patients seek chronic pain management at their primary care provider, hospital emergency rooms, or urgent care centers, these medical providers often don’t specialize in the treatment of chronic pain and chronic pain-causing conditions. This can lead to chronic pain patients not receiving effective pain control treatments and effective pain relief. At Macomb Pain Management, conveniently located near Utica, our board-certified pain management doctors bring decades of experience to the field of pain management and can help treat your chronic pain and reduce your pain levels, often without the need for invasive surgery. Let’s take a closer look at some of the chronic pain-causing conditions our pain management doctors treat.

Treatable Chronic Pain Causing Conditions From Pain Management Doctors Near Utica, MI

At Macomb Pain Management, our team of Utica pain management doctors can effectively treat several common chronic pain-causing conditions. This includes effective pain management treatments for chronic pain caused by arthritis, chronic inflammation, and neck and spinal pain-causing conditions. Let’s take a closer look at these conditions, and your treatment options in Utica, MI.

Arthritis Pain Management Doctor Near Utica

Arthritis is one of the most common chronic pain-causing conditions in the world, with the CDC estimating that 50 million Americans are living with arthritis today. While there are several different types of arthritis, the most commonly seen type is osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis. With osteoarthritis, cartilage, a soft tissue that protects bones in joints from shock and friction, begins to break down, leading to pain, inflammation, and decreased mobility. Osteoarthritis is most commonly seen in older adults with additional risk factors, including a family history of arthritis and repeated injury to one of the body’s joints. At Macomb Pain Management, our doctors have decades of combined experience helping patients treat their symptoms and pain associated with osteoarthritis, and we are here to bring Utica patients effective and minimally invasive treatment options.

Treatable Conditions:

Arthritis Treatment And Arthritis Repair • Treatment For Ligament Strains • Treatment For Joint Pain And Chronic Inflammation • Neck Pain And Spinal Pain Treatment • Treatment For Tendonitis Pain And Bursitis Pain • Treatment For Tendon Tears And Sports Injuries • Treatment For Sciatic Nerve Pain • Chronic Pain Treatment From • Herniated Discs • Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy • Knee Cartilage Healing And Repair • Sacroiliac (Si) Joint Dysfunction Treatment • Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment And Repair

Pain Treatments for Chronic Inflammation in Utica

Inflammation is the body’s immune system responding to threats and fighting off infections caused by viruses or bacteria. While inflammation is a natural response of the immune system, some auto-immune diseases can send the body’s immune system into overdrive, leading to chronic inflammation and the chronic pain that comes with it. Examples of conditions that can cause chronic inflammation in the body include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Lupus

With chronic inflammation, pain can be caused by damage to tissues, overstimulation of nerve endings by prostaglandins released by inflammation that amplifies pain signals, and extended healing times of injuries. The team of pain management doctors at Macomb Pain Management routinely works with patients who have chronic inflammation and associated chronic pain to provide you with effective pain treatment options. To learn more about chronic inflammation and the role that diet can play, click here to read our blog on the connection between diet and inflammation.

Neck, Back, and Spine Pain Treatments in Utica

Back pain, including pain in the neck and spine, is the second leading cause of visits to primary care doctors and hospitals in the United States. It has become such an issue that the CDC estimates that nearly 8% of the US population lives with back pain severe enough to limit their mobility. At Macomb Pain Management, our pain management doctors have the tools and the expertise to diagnose and treat the root cause of your back pain, whether it is caused by arthritis, degenerative disc disease, or a strained muscle. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options for back pain in Utica, MI.

Contact Macomb Pain Management To Schedule An Appointment With One of Our Pain Management Doctors Near Utica, MI

To come under the care of a local Utica pain management doctor, call the Macomb Pain Management team today at (248) 844-8281. We are proud to bring our Utica patients the highest level of pain management relief with our affordable treatments, many of which may be covered by your insurance..